Painted Panel Parts
With the help of some friends the parts for the instrument panel were painted. 2K color from Mipa worked well and give a strong surface.
Building our airplane
With the help of some friends the parts for the instrument panel were painted. 2K color from Mipa worked well and give a strong surface.
We acquired Nav/Strobe/Pos Lights from AveoEngineering. Great lights. No additional box required, no shielding of the cables necessary. The seem undestroyable and come with a lifetime warranty. With the epoxied …
To fix the stobe/position/nav lights at the tips we need to do some epoxy work. Resin with micro-ballons worked well. After sanding a nice fixing plate for the lights is …
In the end we had a nice wing tip end. Ready for priming and painting. Since we will mount the tips with screws, it is possible to remove them, so …
Last layer of the fibre glass work is a special peel off fabric. It gives a nice finish and prevents from sanding the otherwise waxy surface.
Second step is to lay fibre glass on the end. We used 3 layers of light fibre glass and gave special attention to get nice rounded corners.
First step of the fibre work at the wing tip is filling the gap with epoxy mixed with micro-ballons.
The lower end of the wing tip needs to be trimmed and glued together with epoxy resin. First picture shows the unglued end with a wooden stick inserted to get …
Wing Tip is installed on right wing. The quality of the wing tip is much better compared to the rudder/elevator tips. Not much to rework. Only modifications I have …
I installed two computer fans for venting the windshield. A very easy installation. Seemed simpler to me than installing special ducting outlets. Below you can see the picture from the …
After the brakes were filled with fluid, I tested them. I put pressure on it and checked every connection. No leak occured. The parking brake is working well. Even after …
Filling the brakes with hydraulic fluid was a job I often thought of. Having done this never before, some consideration was made how to perform it. In the end …
The tips delivered by Murphy were really of minor quality. They did not fit properly and putting them together left a big channel in the middle. I decided …
The manual says to insert the pedal return springs into a hole at the side of the motor mount. I did this first, but was absolutely unhappy with this. …
We installed a parking brake in the Rebel. There is a very good description available online from Roee Kalinsky ( I copied this design with some modifications.
I decided to go with 4 brake cylinders. A lot of alignment work to get the pedals totally aligned. Although prepared before I had to wait for this step until …
Finally the holes for the mount are done, the engine mounts in place. It was a lot of fiddling work. I wanted to be very precise here to have …
The picture shows the unsymmetric construction of the mount to withstand the turning forces of the motor.
Our motor mount was produced by a small company in Germany. We had luck that the Rebel is such a great plane. It is so great that there is a …
This picture shows the finalized right door. As you can see we decided to go for a full Lexan door. The view will be great from inside.
This is the slot in the upper door frame, where the upper door lever fits in. I deliberately did it asymmetrical. Thus when closing the lever the window is tightly …
We built the door exactly as noted in the manual. Although I got several recommendations from some other builders, I decided to stay to the original design. In the end …
This simple lock is installed inside the left window. The lever on the back holds the window.
Finalized upper door lever. This lever is closed from inside and fixes the window. I used a simple black knob from the hardware store (1 Euro) as handle point. Works …
This is the finalized door latch. It is cool to fabricate all this from scratch. Nevertheless it is a lot of work, measurement and filing, before everything fits as desireed. …
Our door will be fully skinned with lexan. We like the improved visibility, especially when doing sightseeing and looking down to earth. The lexan provided with the kit was sufficient …
The picture shows the fitting of the right door frame. The stainless steel hinge at the front is already installed at the door post.
The center console is installed. We are happy with the outcome. It protects all the cables and gives space for some instruments. The trim switch is installed just in front …
I constructed and fabricated the aluminum parts for the center console. We are using a quadrant from Baxter Quadrants. A lot of rivnuts are necessary to make it easy …